A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

02 April 2008

Elliott Saves the Day

Last night was way exciting. Elliott and I were at the laundromat, finishing up a load of laundry at about 10:00 pm. The place has a lot of traffic in and out of the door, since it's next door to an apartment complex and people don't stay to keep an eye on their clothes, but there were only the two of us and another girl actually hanging out in the laundromat. She and I were both reading while Elliott was folding his clothes. Suddenly the girl shouts "that guy took my purse!" as some kid goes running out the door. Elliott asked which way the guy had went, and took off down the street at a full sprint. Elliott is FAST.

The girl and I went outside and I gave her my phone to call the police. Elliott got down the street to the parking lot of the apartment complex where the kid had disappeared, and walked off into the dark lot. A few minutes later, the girl was still on the phone with 911 giving a description of the guy when Elliott comes walking back - with the purse! He had walked around a corner in the parking lot and found the kid crouched on the ground digging through the purse. He yelled "Hey! That's not your purse!" and ran at him, at which point the kid panicked, dumped the it in a trash can and hopped a fence.

The girl went through her stuff and found that she was only missing $10 in cash - her phone, cards, keys, etc were all still there. The police arrived and took our statements, and then Elliott and I stayed a little bit to make sure she'd be okay at the laundromat while she waited for her laundry to finish. She's a really nice girl, and I'm glad everything turned out well. She wanted to thank Elliott in some way, but he refused all compensation. I did give her my business card, so I got a nice email from her this morning that I forwarded on to him.

Do I have a great boyfriend, or what?

I think from now on I will be locking my purse in my trunk while I do laundry at the laundromat. It was all totally crazy, particularly since we really should have left there about ten minutes earlier. We had been playing trivial pursuit while waiting on the laundry, and each only had one pie piece left to end the game, so we had stayed until the game ended before folding the laundry.


  1. Thjat is so great that he was there to help. I would have been freaking out if that happened to me. What a keeper! I bet the girl was so thankful too.

  2. Elliot rocks!

    ps, I sooo do not miss the laundromat days.
