A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

26 October 2006


Okay, so anyone who has known me for more than about a week knows that I am arachnophobic. I hate spiders. I love insects. I think bugs are cool. They're great! I will pick them up and let them crawl all over me.

But I hate spiders. Hate. Haaate. Ick.

On Wednesday, I was at work talking to Chris about how uptight I have been for the last few days. I had to tell the story of my car accident about 20 times that day, and I was very tense - almost shaky - all day. Couldn't relax. While I was talking to her about this, I was preparing to take some Tylenol (my muscles are sore from being clenched for 4 days). We have a drinking fountain in the office, but it's easier to take pills with a cup, so I opened our box of paper cups and got one out. I was standing there, talking to Chris, for about 2-3 minutes with the cup in my hand, when I looked down into the cup before filling it with water. There, in the bottom of the cup, was a HUMONGOUS SPIDER. It was large! It filled the entire bottom of the cup! It looked just like the hobo spiders that have been terrorizing me all over the zoo!

With a shout, I flung the cup away (at Chris, sorry!) and the spider hit the floor. Calm as you please, Chris squashed it to bits while I curled up in the fetal position and hyperventilated a bit. We didn't care to find out whether it was a brown garden spider, or a wolf spider, or a hobo spider - Chris just scraped it off the carpet with the cup and threw it away. After recovering for a moment, I took my Tylenol by using the drinking fountain. No cups for me, thank you very much.


  1. Suzanne... You know there was once a maggot in my water, don't know if you've heard that story.

  2. Jeepers! How could a spider be in your cup?! Great, now I'm going to have a paranoia of paper cups. . .
