A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

29 November 2006

By special request

Since I was asked, here's another post on the ongoing saga of my car. [Do you have a topic you'd like to see discussed on this blog? Just let me know!]

I am still driving the rental car - this is day 37, for those of you keeping track at home. "But Suzanne," you may be thinking to yourself, "doesn't your insurance policy only cover a rental car for 25 days?"

Why yes, yes it does.

"Why ever then," you may be thinking now, "are you still driving the stinky little rental car?"

Because the insurance company is extraordinarily slow. That's why. Here's a quick time line of events:
  • October 21 - car go smash
  • October 23 - I fly home
  • October 23 - I get a rental car
  • October 31 - repair estimate made
  • November 9 - I am notified that the car is totaled
  • November 23 - Thanksgiving
  • November 28 - the rental car agency calls to ask when they're getting their car back
  • November 29 - the insurance agency gets a fax from the credit union, and cuts me a check
  • December 1 (fingers crossed) - I will receive a very big check from the insurance company

If the insurance company doesn't pay for all the extra days of the rental car, there will be much yelling.

Hopefully I will have a new car next week! I will post pictures of it as soon as I get it, be sure of that.


  1. Now that's what I like to see, results! From you, not the insurance company, of course. Thanks!

  2. November 29 - Insurance company calls car rental company and tells them to cut me off. They're paying for those 37 days, but no more.
