A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

13 November 2006


I got some really good sleep on Saturday night, and I blame the turkey. We had a Thanksgiving dinner at work (sometimes it's easier to have a Thanksgiving party than a Christmas party) and we had TONS of food. Such good, tasty food. And so much of it! I don't know where all the leftovers went - and there must have been tons of them. We had turkey and ham, and I love both. I had seconds on the turkey, and you could tell at the end of dinner that everyone at our table was getting quiet . . . but in a good way, you know? I had so much turkey, I didn't even have dessert. Elliott was falling asleep in his chair. For a work party, it was pretty good. Usually they can be pretty awkward. The staff did end up sitting apart from all the volunteers - as usual - even to the extent of bringing extra chairs over to our table in the corner. It was interesting to see different people eat dinner together who don't usually interact at work. It was a good night. Now, if only blogger would let me put hard returns in here to split this into paragraphs and make it easier to read, then I'd really be on top of the world! I blame AOL.

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