A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

14 November 2006

Philosophical musings on blogging

When I started this blog a month ago, I did it mainly out of peer pressure. I really didn't expect to update it as often as I have, and I certainly didn't expect anyone much to read it.

But now I'm updating it pretty regularly, and on days when I can't think of anything to say, I feel like I'm letting people (all three of you) down in some way. And when I post something and people comment, I get way too excited. (Hint!)

So, the question is: why am I blogging? To amuse myself? To amuse you, gentle reader? To keep you informed on the very few events in my life?

I suppose the main reason is to amuse myself. If you are also amused, that is a bonus. I have to admit that I'm very easily amused - wearing mittens for the first time this winter last week, I kept myself entertained for quite a long time. Imagine if those mittens had little googly eyes on them! I'd still be wearing them, and that makes it hard to type.

Someone asked me last week what the point of a blog is. Why would one blog when one could just send an email? Why would you want personal information online?

I think the answer to the first question is this: people don't always care. So yeah, maybe I've just bought a really cool toy and I think it's the greatest thing ever. I want to tell everyone about it. There are going to be a certain number of people I miss on the emailing list, and then there's the ever-present dilemma that maybe you all don't care. (Because, let's face it, it's going to be about 20 minutes from now when I discover something else that I think is the greatest thing ever.) But - eureka! - if I post about it on a blog, you all can read or disregard the message at your leisure, without feeling guilt about not having sent a reply email. It's all the communication with only the fraction of the hassle!

Regarding the second question, "Why could you want personal information online?", I view it like this: this isn't personal information. Can someone steal my bank account by knowing that I enjoy songs by OK Go? No. Is my name or place of business on here anywhere? I don't think so. Is any of this information something that you wouldn't glean from sitting next to me on a bus for 20 minutes? Probably not. So hey, why not post it online? I don't see a problem there. Anything that's personal or sensitive or intended for one person is still going to go in an email.

So anyway, those are my thoughts on the bloggerverse. Make of them what you will.

Or not; that's cool, too.


  1. I completely agree. There is a lot of pressure to reply to emails, and I know that some of the stuff that goes on a blog really doesn't warrant much response. It's just a story that is there. And even if I don't comment, I love the read the blog posts, so keep them coming. I check this one probably something like 10 times per day. Unless I have a boring desk job, then it would be more.

  2. I have been checking everyone's blogs at least once a day (not getting much adult interaction here) and I do feel like I'm keeping up with everyone's lives much better.

  3. Ditto for me! I check all y'alls blogs at least twice daily.
    I have to admit that I have been tempted to start a blog too. There are times when I think of something to tell someone, but I don't know if anyone will care. Great blog material!

    And the comments, comments are better than childless days spents eating butterfingers!

  4. "Y'alls?" Hmm, who lives in Texas?
