A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

28 January 2008

Channel 5

This morning, eagle-eyed blog poster Sabrina spotted me on Studio 5 on KSL. Yay! Sometimes I wonder if anyone actually sees me on TV, since no one says anything. Do I only go on shows with no viewers?

Anyway, we didn't think we were going to make it on the air today because of all the President Hinckley coverage, but they ended up doing our spot anyway. I was there to talk about our Mating Dances class for Valentine's Day, which was an awkward topic transition, but I think we did all right. It was the TV debut for our new opossum, Vera, and she did very very well. The only problem was that I wore scented lotion so she was more interested in me than in looking at the camera.

Holly, our PR person was on the air with me. She used to work at KSL, so it's fun to go with her because she knows everyone. Radio and TV people are more gossipy than zoo people! You may know Holly from The Nightside Project on KSL radio, or from the morning show on KZHT. She worked for Simmons media for a while too, but I'm not sure what she did or with which station.


  1. OH man I missed it. The crazy thing too was it was on channel five's studio five when Hailey interuppted me to help her. Guess I better start tivoing things!

  2. Usually someone (Dad) mentions things like this to me the next day or week. Not that I'd be at home watching when you're on anyway.

  3. I know my neighbor watched Studio 5 today because she asked me something about it later. So, you at least had 2 viewers ;) So fun to see you. Turns out I knew someone from one of the next spots too.
