A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

05 January 2008

Socially responsible time-waster

If you have some time to kill, want to improve your vocabulary and feed the poor at the same time, check out http://www.freerice.com/. For every vocabulary word you get right, they donate 20 grains of rice.

I plateau at vocabulary level 47.


  1. I can get to 41. But I don't plateau well. I get up to about 40 and then drop to 36 and then climb again. It seems like I have a somewhat inconsistent vocabulary; I am likely to know science words, or anything Latin based that I can work out (thank you Portuguese) but then I get a few in a row that I have no idea on, things like 'flinders'.

  2. Adam and I also got stuck on 41. We bounced around between 39 and 41.
