A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

22 December 2006

Holy Crap, People!

Once again, Clark has taken the words right out of my mouth. ESPN's coverage last night of the Las Vegas Bowl was the absolute worst piece of sportscasting I have ever seen, and I spent this season watching the mtn, people.

Come on!

ESPN, largely regarded as the paragon of sport broadcasting - the first all-sports network, now many many sports networks and websites and magazines and such - spent the entire game talking about anything except the game. There was actually a time in the second half when they were talking about Brent Mussburger's Rocky II action figure with (retired UNLV basketball) Coach Tarkanian when one of the broadcasters said, as an aside, "Oh, and that was a completion."

The hell?! Where is my football game?

Adding insult to injury, not only were they totally ignoring the game up in the booth, but they weren't even showing the game. For minutes on end, all you would see were the guys in the booth and whatever irrelevant person they were there talking with. It's pretty sad when the best commentary on the game is provided by a retired basketball coach. Whom they were trying to interview about Bobby Knight.

Argh. Hulk smash!

Okay, sure. This was not a real barn-burner of a game. The officiating was genuinely retarded, with officials having the difference between "defense" and "offense" pointed out to them, very gently, by John Beck. This did not warrant commentary from the booth. Heck, at one point the ref tried to issue a penalty "half the distance to the foul." Um, no. I may be just a girl, but I know that ain't right. Did they comment on the fact that BYU was playing against their former head coach, Gary Crowton? Barely. Have anything to say about Oregon's bizarrely crappy offense? No. Repeated fights breaking out on the field? Nah. But let's make sure we talk about West Texas A&M's golf coach, for cry eye!

(Yes, I know he's Oregon's quarterback's brother. I still don't care. Maybe you should talk about the Leaf actually playing in the game, hmm?)

And now that this post is over, let me tell you in true ESPN fashion that BYU won, 38-8.

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