A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

03 January 2007

The absolute worst thing

I was talking to Alex today, and I said that I wish it would snow. Seems like if it's going to be cold, it should at least snow. Otherwise it's just a waste of cold. Snow at least will pretty things up a bit and make everything sparkly.

Alex disagreed with my idea initially, but then relented a bit and said that he didn't mind if it snowed as long as it didn't he didn't have to shovel or drive in it.

Which brings me to my main point here: what, in your opinion, is the worst part about winter? I know usually we all try to dwell on the positive, but it's January and we're in a post-holiday slump here. If you're going to succumb to SAD, you should at least post about it online, right?

In my opinion, the worst part of winter is the dirtiness. All the dirt and the salt and everything just seems to build up on the snow, leaving a film on your lawn when it melts.

What do you dislike most about winter? You can only pick one thing.


  1. I don't like driving home in the dark. It's light when I go to work (usually), but it's always dark on the way home.

  2. I would have to say cold mornings, which make getting out of bed all the more miserable.

    But we don't have the dirty snow down here.

  3. Well, spending 10 days in SLC made me hate the cold. By the time I make it to my car, I'm cold. And the car is cold too. Freezing!

    Of course, now I live in St. George, where the worst thing about winter is that it doesn't last longer. :)

  4. It wasn't even that cold while you were here! You have become soft down there in St. George.

  5. I dislike the cold.
    Pros for it being cold: Snuggling in bed with lots of blankets, big thick socks and slippers, hot chocolate.
    Cons for it being cold: kids can't play outside, electricity bill, being cold, four kids' jackets, kids can't play outside, no stroller walks, no exercise outside, dry furnace air leading to dry skin, kids can't outside . . .

  6. Just bundle them up and send them out to the shed!

    ...um, I mean, "clubhouse."

  7. Driving in the snow. That is the worst thing about winter. But really, I love the winter. I love the cold, I love the snow (except for driving in it), I love the holidays, I love it all! Much better than summer. This is why moving to St George was so hard for me. And let's be honest, kids can't go out and play in 110° weather. I am dreading the summer.
