A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

14 January 2007


Sometimes I wonder how smart people really are. Take, for instance, this email from the BYU Alumni Association:

"BYU Athletics will honor the 2006 Western Conference championship football team with an a autograph signing on the concourse level for a half hour beginning at 5:30 p.m. The team will also be honored at a half time celebration with video highlights, trophy presentations, and remarks from coach Mendenhall and other members of the team."

So . . . we're honoring Boise State? Wuh?

Did they mean the Western Athletic Conference? The Mountain West Conference? Logic leads me to the latter option, since that's the conference the BYU actually belongs to. But you never know . . . Boise State did have a great bowl game.


  1. Where, oh where has Suzanne gone? Oh where, oh where can she be?

  2. I'm emboldened by past successes. Bring on the comments!
