A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

25 January 2007


Tragedy today, as I discovered that there was some sort of error with the memory card in the PS2. All of the stuff saved in it has disappeared! That means all the high scores, all the saved games . . . all of the Guitar Hero careers . . . my 5-star performance on "Heart Shaped Box." On HARD.


So, when you come to visit, I'm afraid you'll have to start over. So I guess the good news is that since you're already pretty good at it, your low scores will be pretty high, and you'll look better than you really are.


  1. And my PERFECT SCORE on whatever that song was?!?! AAAAAAA!!!

  2. And my three perfect songs too! 'Course, two of mine were on "easy" so it wasn't that great of an accomplishment.

    (Yours was Less Talk More Rokk, by the way.)
