A place to record the things that my brain comes up with.

11 January 2007

Robot Roll Call

I know you're out there! Occasionally, someone will reference something I've written here. So I know you're out there reading this. So just leave me a comment, let me know who you are.



  1. But if we're commenting on what you've written here, isn't it obvious who it is that is reading your blog? I academic circles, citation is the highest form of praise.

  2. I'm happy to comment! Especially when you provide new material for me to read when I'm bored. I read your blog like 50 times per day in hopes of something new. That should make you feel better!

  3. Boy, that puts a lot of pressure on me to come up with something interesting!

  4. I think I made your most recent comment, before today, but I'll chime in anyway. Hi!

  5. I check you almost every day. At least your blog lets me leave comments. Some people's don't. Or at least I can figure it out. You kids with your fancy blogs....

  6. Carrie should now be able to comment on Shannon's blog. Or you could break down and get yourself a gmail account.

    Suzanne: see how your family supports you? Does this count as a tender family moment?

  7. A very tender family moment. I'm getting a little verklempt.

    However, I know there are non-siblings out there!

  8. "I am a robot. Thank you for finding me."

    I mean, "Here!"

  9. All these comments make me feel like the Blockburgers are a little clanish (I accidentally typed "clamish" the first time -- hehe).
